Legal notice Huber Hotels GmbH

Trade Group: Hotel Industry
Professional Group: Hotellerie

UID-Nr: ATU 69837037
Number in the Company Register: FN438463z
Responsible Court: Federal Court of Innsbruck
Address: Wirl 8a
6563 Galtür | Austria

Tel: +43 5443 82 31
Fax: +43 5443 82 31 – 59

Information according to ECG

Concept, webdesign and technical implementation

ProKontakt GmbH
Ansitz Löwenhaus, Rennweg 9
A-6020 Innsbruck
+43 6245 93082

Vertriebswerk GmbH
Ansitz Löwenhaus, Rennweg 9
A-6020 Innsbruck
T +43 512 931 818

Foto credits

Huber Hotels Archiv, Andreas Schatzl,, BMLFUW Rita Newman, Christa Engstler, GRM/WernerKrug, TVB Paznaun-Ischgl, Christoph Malin,, TVB Tirol West, Daniel Zangerl, Albin Niederstrasser, Tom Bause, G.A. Service, West Werbeagentur, Stefan Kürzi, ,,, © Archiv TirolWest Daniel Zangerl, © Archiv TirolWest Markus Platter

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The content of this website is protected by copyright. Additonally, some parts of the content may also be protected by the copyright and/or the terms of use of business partners or suppliers. All kind of content (i.e. texts, photos, graphics, forms etc.) from this website may only be used on other websites with express permission by the Huber Hotels GmbH. All content provided on this website is created with utmost care and checked regarding adequacy and accuracy. Nevertheless, the Huber Hotels GmbH cannot exclude content-related inaccuracies or factual mistakes completely. The Huber Hotels GmbH disclaims all liabilities for the accuracy, validity and completeness of the information provided. All information is subject to change.

Liability note

Despite careful control, the Huber Hotels GmbH accepts no liability for the content of external links. Only the operators of the linked pages are responsible for their content.

Our partner company: House St. Gerold